The whole thing contains only three lines of text. In those three lines are:
- Two spelling mistakes. "loose" instead of lose and "downloadble" instead of downloadable
- A redundant capital letter in "Services"
- The link isn't working.
You don't need a long neck to be a goose!
Maybe a better use of ones' time might be studying instead of politics or basket weaving?
I can't wait for July.
It's not the Nashional Yoonion, it's the NatashaNal Yoonion - after all, she is their only poster girl.
And don't knock basket-weaving - I wouldn't have stayed eligigble for Youth Allowance (ah, those beloved YA days...) were it not for bludgy courses in wicker needlepoint keeping me in "full-time" study.
Come on gibbo!
Students unions provide excellent services and student representation. The proposal, which looks to be a definite at this stage, is unwanted by the people who it has the most effect on. Students don't want it, Universities don’t want it... and the only people who want it are people who don't study. Why should the government have the right to legislate on what I do with my cash. If I didn't want to pay the student services fee, I wouldn’t go to uni. Apart from that, all this horse shit about how unions only spend their money on frivolous ventures is a load of shit. Sure some money does go to clubs and societies, but it also goes to subsidised student food, housing, medical services, employment services, academic representation, student publications, political clubs of both left and right leanings, student counseling, religious centres, university functions and student learning assistance services as well as many other important things.
Yours Truly,
Clearly irritated student
It is irrelevant whether the so called services provided are legitimate or not. It's a simple matter of "freedom of association" Rachele. You will not be prevented from continuing your membership in the student union. You will simply not be compelled to join it.
Tell me, if the organisation running all of these wonderful services on your campus was the Patriotic Youth League, or Hillsong Church or the Liberal Party, would you be so placid in being to be made to join?
Forcing someone to give you money in return for not stopping them from getting a degree is called extortion. If you don't think it is then I might come around to your house and demand payments to let you continue studying.
I repeat, your organisation and your membership in it will not be prevented at all. That is simply a scare campaign and a lie. I thought you hated scare campaigns and liars?
If it provides genuine value then it will continue. If it doesn't, it will fail.
Rachele's comment has three flaws...
(1) The idea that all students want to keep CSU is ridiculous. I saw the ANU managed to get all of 150 people (from 10,000 students) to atttend their major anti-VSU protest. When I was a FT student I wanted VSU; even now that I only do 1 course, I still want it.
(2) "Why should the government have the right to legislate on what I do with my cash." Because the government's paying 3/4 of the degree, so has a legitimate interest in seeing that unis are a reflection of fair and decent standards. Like Gibbo said, how would you feel about being forced to pay to belong to a church, or political party, or whatever?
(3) The notion that the unions are providing cheaper food/services is both incorrect (everything @ uni is expensive), and immoral. After all, the food and gym membership and all is only cheaper IF YOU USE IT - if you don't, you've effectively paid for a service that's just consumed by someone else.
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