The Gibbo's are moving this week so posting will be light.
Mrs Gibbo's parents have become rather frail over the last few years and the job of fetching after them has largely fallen on Mrs Gibbo. We made the decision a while ago to look for a house with a Granny flat so we could move them in with us. The search was long but we ended up having to look for a house that didn't have a flat, but had the space to put one. This, of course, involves dealing with f***wit councils and jumping through many hoops. Finally an appropriate house was found in an area that wasn't too far from where we wanted and that had a large garage that could be converted. Then the real games began. The gooses we were buying the house from decided to play games. Basically they were broke and wanted all sorts of payments in advance to help them move. Well, we played that game for a couple of weeks before I got the shits and pulled the plug. The small loss of our initial deposit was dissapointing but the games were getting worse.
This left us in a great position. The In-laws place had already been sold so now they were moving in with us... Granny flat or not!
Mrs Gibbo, to her ever lasting credit, remembered a house that we had looked at 18 months ago but couldn't afford at the time. It was perfect for us. It was a really nice house that already had a brilliant two bedroom granny flat, was walking distance to the school that the kids already attend, was close to the shops, staggering distance from 4 pubs, close to footy and cricket training... the bloody lot mate! She had been told that the house didn't sell so she decided to write the owners a nice note asking whether they were still interested in selling. We got a call the following day in the affirmative. Yeehah.
To cut a very long story short we went around and met with the owners who turned out to be absolute Angels. A deal was struck that was beneficial to both parties without the aid of a real estate agent and it has been go-go-go ever since.
Anyways... I'll be furiously packing boxes and lugging stuff for the next few days, and I bloody love it. This really couldn't have worked out better for us.
"You can't always get what you want." Bullshit!!!!